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5 Big Takeaways From My Journey to Pink

Throughout the month of December, I envisioned that PINK was the way to kick-off 2020:  Playfully Inspiring New Knowing.

Throughout the month of December, I envisioned that PINK was the way to kick-off 2020:  Playfully Inspiring New Knowing.  I would dye my hair pink and start a pink journey of playfulness, shaking things up, and surprising myself with my out-of-the box boldness.  When my longtime friend and hairdresser suggested trying this new color, at first I thought, “I could never dye my hair pink!” …But over time I re-thought my conservative answer and really wanted to well, just go for it! 

The real longing for me, the deliciousness of this pink journey, was the courage it would take to really BE pink - to own my own magic and in this strong girl-power color.  It was more than trying something new - it was being provocative and free in my choice to do something totally different and unexpected.  It was an act of granting myself permission, and letting the world visibly see it.  Of course I was feeling nervous about how people would react - and that was exactly the motivation that was pushing me to do it.  Why do I need to care what other people think?  I am in the business of helping others to create their own reality, shouldn’t I be able to create a playful risk just for me?

I promised myself I wouldn’t apologize to the mailman that my hair was pink; if got a corporate gig along the way, I would just show up as my new pink self.  When kids at school looked at me and laughed, I would laugh too.  If Ariana Huffington got wind of this and wanted to interview me, I would be all over it.  I wouldn’t care what anyone thought --I would just notice --notice what I inspired in myself and notice what this change activated in others.  

On the big day, I got about as many texts and calls as if it was my birthday.  It was my self-made birthday, in a way!  Pink was my new gift and it was almost here for the world to see - and indeed my world was watching closely to see if I would actually do it.  

As the pink moment of truth arrived, my hairdresser kept warning me that this would be “very impactful.”  Good – I was ready for anything!  I was bold and giddy and as he applied a dark deep pink gloss on my hair with the look of worry in his eye, I was smiling from ear to ear – so freaking proud of myself that I was truly beaming!  

When I saw the result, I was amazed and confused.  Where was the pink?  “Oh it’s pink” he said, “and it’s beautiful.”   Oh it was beautiful, actually.  But not in the way I expected.  What ensued was nothing short of irony of the hilarious kind.  My post-pink fabulous lunch date and I drank pink bubbly drinks as I just watched the text messages and phone calls roll in …"Let’s see the pink!!  Where is it?  How pink is it?  Has Ariana called? Please send pics!” …  Ironically instead of spending 2 months trying NOT to explain why my hair WAS pink, I would spend THE ENTIRE DAY explaining why my hair WAS NOT pink!     

As it turns out, my hairdresser didn’t give me the bold superhero pink I was expecting, he gave me a sophisticated, wearable rose-gold for forty something women – because after knowing me for 20+ years, he thought he was giving me what I could handle.  (I think a moment of silence is warranted here).

So here are my 5 big takeaways from my journey to pink:

1. The real moment of change happens in the permission you give yourself to do something (as much as, if not more than, the doing of that something)!  

Even when my hair went from the hot pink superhero color in my mind to the shade of my rose gold iPhone 11 in actuality, I wasn’t disappointed.  This is because the big triumph of my own inner work already happened.  I almost felt like the universe was testing me and when I totally and completely felt ready for anything, I didn’t need to be tested anymore, and the universe let me off the proverbial hook!  While my hair wasn’t pink, my courage and playfulness were in full force.  What’s YOUR pink word for 2020?

2. Even when you feel like you are changing, people can have a hard time seeing you differently—this will take time and evidence of change.


For years I have been complaining to my hairdresser that I don’t like my hair – it looks different than the last time, it’s not as blonde as I want it, it’s too short, you name it.  Now I show up and want him to make me a SUPERHERO?  I don’t think so!  If I want to get out of the conservative-hair-box, he’s going to need a little proof that out-of-the box is what I’m truly ready for.   What will you create evidence for in 2020?

3. Expectations can kill otherwise perfectly great magic. 

Sometimes loving the way things DO turn out rather than wishing things could be different, feels really, really good.  This whole thing turned out very differently than I expected, and beautiful in it’s own right.   I was once again reminded that the beauty happens in the strength of the intention, not necessarily the outcome.  Today I am bold in my own unexpected shade of pink.   What’s your stretch shade?

4. There is enormous personal power in changing up your look.  

How you look on the outside can wildly influence how you feel on the inside.  Lady Gaga is really on to something!  When you get dressed in the morning, what is it you are communicating to the world?  What might be the impact of changing it up?!   What are you most afraid of and what are you most longing for?

5. Everyone has an opinion or a reaction to how you are living your you CREATE FROM it instead of REACT TO it makes all of the difference! 

What do you want to create more of in 2020?



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